The FAQ: Let’s Get This Sucker Started

My ever-under-construction website will eventually feature a fairly exhaustive FAQ. I’ve got a bunch of questions, and managed to lose a whole bunch more (I’m gifted that way). Occasionally I ask myself if I’m missing some important questions.

Then I realized the blog might be a good testing ground for current questions – Did I cover everything? Was it a clear explanation? – and an opportunity to collect new questions.

With that in mind, let’s start with the basics (and – full disclosure – some that are kind to my wallet);

A: Do you sign cards by mail?
Q: Yup. Check out this article about exactly that before sending me cards.

Q: Y’know, come to think of it, I don’t know all the cards you’ve done.
A: Click the handy Gatherer link up on the right column. It’ll take you to a visual spoiler of every Magic card I’ve done artwork for. Not for the faint-of-bandwidth.

Q: Do you have prints for sale?
A: Yup again. Currently 60 different ones. They’re $12 plus shipping and are printed on high quality archival paper stock. My email is linked at the top of the blogs right column, so drop me a line and I’ll send you a list.

Q: Do you have Artist Proofs for sale?
A: Yes indeed. Prices vary as does shipping depending on how many you want. Drop me a line for a complete list.

Q: Do you have original art for sale? Magic art?
A: Astonishingly, yes. I held on to almost all of my originals until I could buy a scanner that could make satisfactory high-end archival scans so that I could ensure I had an excellent digital copy of the image before the original left my hands . I picked up a great scanner a few years ago and have slowly been selling pieces ever since. Drop me a line and – surprise! – I will send you a list.

Q: How much do Magic originals cost?
A: Mine run the gamut from $450 to $1600 with most sitting at $950. That price includes Fed-Ex two day shipping with insurance. Shipping outside the U.S.A. costs up to $80 extra. Originals from Doomtown and V:Tes tend to be $300 to 650 in price.

Q: Are Phyrexian Dreadnought, Baron Sengir and the Abyss available?
A: Nope, sorry. Not every high profile card is gone, however. Check the list.

Q: Do you have any original sketches for your Magic cards?
A: Yeah, though those are less well documented. Ask and I’ll let you know if what you’re interested in is available.

So, got an idea for a FAQ entry? Drop me a line in the comments here, on the various message boards I inhabit or at my email linked above (that right column again).

~ by Pete Venters on June 29, 2011.

2 Responses to “The FAQ: Let’s Get This Sucker Started”

  1. There’s a few others that might fit:

    Do you alter cards by post?
    If I sent you a bunch of blank cards could you make me some goblin tokens?
    Will you doodle on this playmat/binder/tshirt?

    • Oh, good questions. Though my response would primarily be “Nope”.

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