Question: If I was to use Kickstarter to fund creating an original fantasy painting, available as a print ranging from standard US letter size (8.5″ by 11″) all the way up to 2′ by 3′, would you be interested in supporting it?
What size print would you want?
It couldn’t be Magic the Gathering related (copyright issues), but what fantasy thing would you like to see?
Guesstimate prices would range from $15 to probably $120. With some super rare stuff in the $300 category.
So what d’ya think?
I’ve always loved your take on dragons – so that would be my preference – and something in a horizontal letter size would wonderfully on the wall ;>.
I’d put in something for a kickstarter project, sure!
I’m in. I’ll have to think about what I’d like to see (though something from “Alice In Wonderland” is knocking), but I’m in.
I think that sounds like fun! I second that I’d love a horizontal letter size. 😀 I’m currently up to my eyeballs in dragons, elves and the like, so I’m totally on board with anything in the fantasy realm. 😀
Megan, if you’re interested, all my Magic prints are horizontal letter size and only run $10 + shipping. Send me an email at the address at the top of the right column, and I’ll send you the list of available prints.
I am intrigued. If I got to call the shots I can’t decide if I’d like to see a magnifgicently complex battle royale of many different creatures or a close up study of one creature’s face, a huge, haunting eye. For sure I’d like to see something new, where my brain doesn’t automatically go, “goblin” or “bugbear” which is hard to do these days- my brain seems very fixated on labels.
I like 11×17 prints for the size and usual affordability.
As far as what fantasy related thing… I’d like to see something related to necromancy.
I would love the horizontal letter size just becuase it means I can load my wall with lots of prints.
I would love to see random fantasy creatures of different species.
I would support such a project 🙂